Class 1C
Welcome to 1C!
Ms Codman is the class teacher and our lovely teaching assistant is Miss Richards. We also have Miss Ruane to help us with our learning. We also have Ms Gold who teaches us PSHE and RE on a Tuesday afternoon.
Forest School is also on a Tuesday afternoon. Please make sure your child has appropriate clothing on that day. It can be very cold in the forest during the winter! It would be very helpful if children had a pair of wellies to keep in school and use each Tuesday.
PE is on a Friday afternoon. Children are to come to school in their school uniform. Their PE kit should be brought with them in a bag for them to change into. They will go home in their PE kit and their uniform will be in their PE bag.
This is what our PE kit needs to look like.
In 1C, we take pride in our work and have high aspirations. We have high expectations of ourselves and make steps towards achieving them everyday.
Our new years resolutions!
As well as working hard, we also like to take care of our emotional health and wellbeing. We have lots of tools to help us keep our brains happy and ready for learning!
- We use our calm area to relax and recharge.
- Each time we open our door we think of something we are grateful for.
- Our affirmations mirror is where we celebrate all of our talents and unique personalities!
Book Bags
Children are given new reading books weekly which are given out on Fridays. Please try to read the book more than once as this really helps your child to read fluently. Bring them back into school by Wednesday for them to be changed.
If you can, please leave a little message in the reading record so we know how it's going at home!