Class 3B
Welcome to 3Bs Class Page
Let's start with the introductions. We have 20 amazing children in year 3 and three members of staff . We have the incredible Miss Niven and Miss Ahmed our learning support assistants and the fantastic Miss Barker our class teacher.
Find yourself, your vision, and your path,
Don't just think of reading, writing, and math.
The educational journey is a winding course,
But YOU, my child, are a beautiful force.
Have a look at what we are learning in Autumn 1
We have been reading Return by Aaron Becker this term.
The children have been creating some amazing setting descriptions based on the story of the Return. They are working on creating powerful sentences using, expanded noun phrases, prepositional phrases and similes.
Here are some examples of the work created...
In year 3 children are working on mastering place value. They are working so hard to master their 2, 5 and 10 times tables with the help of TTRS. Some children have even received awards each week for achieving different targets. This terms hall of fame for times tables is shown below.
We are exploring a lot of new books this term as we work on our comprehension skills in our shared reading sessions. Children are practicing their reading fluency and answering some tricky questions about writer intentions. The stories we have looked at so far are:
Rocks is the topic of interest this term. Children are learning about the different qualities of rocks. They are also beginning to understand how to carry out a fair test, for example testing the permeability of different rocks.
Topic this term has linked to our focus book in English ‘Jemmy Button’. Children have got to enjoy outdoor learning to meet geography aims, where they have learnt about the earth, maps and comparing two different countries (South America and England). Some of the vocabulary and understanding they have shown has been amazing.
This term children have been looking at different types of families, they have discussed what makes family important and families show love. Children have also discussed with great sensitivity what to do if there is a problem within a family and who they could reach out to for help.
Religious education this term has focussed on different religions and their Gods. We have looked at the differing religions and what they believe. Some children were particularly excited to talk about Islamic Faith and were proud to explain their beliefs.
P.E. is split between two teachers, which means children are exposed to two different P.E lessons a week. This term they have focussed on hockey skills with Mr McGovern and dance with Miss Barker. Some children also got to take part in a dodgeball tournament where they faced other schools. Their best part was playing in the dark with glow sticks.
Children have been exploring photo frames in DT. They have been looking at different types of stands and the features needed to build an effective product. Recently they have been given a product brief and are excited to start building.
Our Timetable
This will change each half term to encompass a wide and exciting curriculum.
We have P.E. on Wednesdays and Thursdays.
On Wednesday children have P.E with Mr McGoverin, this term they are working on...
On Thursdays children have P.E with Miss Barker, where children will be doing team games.
Full PE Kit must be brought in a bag on these days:
white top, black/blue shorts or tracksuit bottoms and trainers/ black pumps.
'The more that you read, the more things you'll know,
The more that you learn , the more places you'll go'.
Dr Seuss
Let's learn to love to read together! This year 3B are aiming to find their true passion for reading. Reading helps us everyday, it helps us communicate, learn, be imaginative and to escape.
In 3B children read regularly, whether it is within lessons, guided session, 1:1 sessions with an adult, or in free reading time. It is so important to help build reading skills, but also to promote a love of reading.
How you can help at home
Children are expected to bring their book bag into school everyday, this allows teachers to check reading journals and to read children's current book in 1:1 sessions.
Children will benefit hugely from reading even for just 5 minutes with a family member everyday. We encourage our children to read each night and ask that parents sign their child's reading record.
Handwriting & Spelling
At the beginning of each half-term, children are sent home with a spelling and handwriting booklet. There is a list of spellings to practise each week, which will be tested on Fridays. Children should also complete their handwriting sheet each week. If you would like further handwriting sheets, please ask Miss Barker. Sometimes children may have extra sheets or resources to help them in their packs.
*If children have high-frequency words in the back of their pack, these should also be practised regularly
Useful Sites to help children at home.
Children have access to a range of online educational resources in schools. They will be used to logging in and navigating all the sites. All we ask is that parents encourage children to access these sites when using technology at home.
Here is a list of sites children are asked to access: