Welcome and Information for Early Years (Reception) Parents/Carers: Meeting
School Uniform in the Early Years: (please see our school uniform section under 'Parent Zone' for more information.
Nursery (Red Room):
Children in Nursery must wear:
- Purple cardigan/jumper with school logo on
- Grey/black joggers
- Grey/black leggings
- White polo shirt (optional)
Children in Reception must wear:
- White polo shirt
- Grey/black leggings, tights or socks
- Grey/black school trousers or skirt
- Purple cardigan/jumper with school logo on
- Black shoes (no trainers allowed) preferably with velcro fastenings
- A plain purple or black hijab
Come and see what is happening in our Blue Room (2year old provision)
Welcome to our Red Room (Nursery)
We love going on school trips and learning through play in Reception
Kingsley Early Years Foundation Stage
Our Early Years offers provision for children from two years of age until the end of Reception. The Early Years are an extremely important part of your child's journey into education. Through purposeful play, adult input and objective led planning, your child will learn key skills that will enable them to become independent learners and develop a love of learning.
In Nursery and Reception our curriculum is designed to:
* Recognise children's prior learning from previous settings and their experiences at home,
* Provide first hand learning experiences
* Quality interactions with adults
* Language rich environment
* Inspire a lifelong love of learning
Across our EYFS we refer to Development Matters (2021) document to implement the statutory requirements as stated in the Early Years Statutory Framework (2024). This framework specifies the requirements for learning and development in the EYFS.
Your child will learn new skills, acquire knowledge and demonstrate their understanding through the 7 areas of learning and development which form the EYFS curriculum.
Children should mostly develop in the 3 Prime areas first:
* Communication and Language
* Physical Development
* Personal, Social, Emotional Development
These prime areas are the most essential for your child's healthy development and future learning. As children grow, the Prime areas will help them to develop skills in 4 Specific areas:
* Literacy
* Mathematics
* Understanding the World
* Expressive Arts & Design.
Children learn by:
Playing and Exploring, Active Learning and Creative and Critical Thinking, which takes place both indoors and outdoors.