Class 4B
Welcome to our class page!
My name is Mrs Begum and I am the class teacher in 4B. We also have Ms Lau and Ms Lenden who is our wonderful learning support assistant. On Thursday, we have Ms Smith for PHSE and RE.
In year 4, we love to see each other learn and develop. It's important we always work hard and try our best. We encourage each other to have a positive attitude to learning and adopt a 'have a go' attitude, even if that means we sometimes make mistakes. We know that mistakes help us grow and achieve our goals.
Key information
4B have PE on Tuesday and Wednesday. Please make sure your child has the correct kit to take part (white top, black/blue shorts or tracksuit bottoms and trainers).
Book Bags
Children will take their book bags home on Friday's so they have chance to read over the weekend. Please return book bags to school between Monday and Wednesday so we are able to change everyone's books ready to send home again the following Friday. Parents - please make sure you are signing your child's home reading log so we can see when your child has read at home.
We love reading at Kingsley and encourage all children to read for pleasure every night. Reading is a gateway into all areas of the curriculum. It supports the development of English and writing skills.
Reading Plus
Reading plus is a fantastic way to improve reading and comprehension skills. We use reading plus in school and encourage children to complete 3 lessons at home as well.
Times Tables
Times tables is an important part of Year 4’s maths curriculum. It is a statutory requirement that all children in Year 4 are fluent in their recall of their multiplications up to 12x12. We work hard to practise our times tables through playing games, listening to songs as well as completing weekly quizzes. It is vitally important that the children practise weekly so that they are prepared for the Multiplication Times Tables Check (Summer Term).
Please use the link below for an excellent example of Y4 expectation.
Times Tables Rockstars
TTRS is a fantastic way to improve timetables fluency. You can compete with others, play in garage mode and check your fluency in soundcheck mode.
Please encourage your children to engage with this fantastic online learning resource. At least 5 sessions a week should be completed.
After School Clubs
We encourage children to take part in all our after school club activities as a way to relax but to also learn the importance of team work and providing a wide variety of new skills.
What learning looks like in Year 4B Autumn Term 2
We have been reading Manfish by Jennifer Berne this term.
Learning outcome: To write an Invention Narrative and a Biography.
The children have been working on creating amazing sentences using various punctuations. They have been working on how to create sentences with metaphors, expanded noun phrases and how to use embedded clauses within their writing to provide the reader with extra detail and description.
Children will learn how to present information in a concise and clear form.
Year 4 will be looking at the following measurement this term. They will be covering the following learning objectives:
- Convert between different units of measure
- Measure and calculate the perimeter of a rectilinear figure (including squares) in centimetres and metres
- Find the area of rectilinear shapes by counting squares
- Estimate, compare and calculate different measures, including money in pounds and pence
- Read, write and convert time between analogue and digital, 12 and 24- hour clocks
Our young scientist will be investigating Solids, Liquids and Gases! We will be looking at the properties and how this may change.
Topic (History)
In Year 4 we will be looking at Ancient Egypt. Our historical focus will be of 'The achievements of the earliest civilisations.
Children will be reading a wide range of books this term and we will be working on developing our comprehension skills, vocabulary, how to decode and answer questions using the evidence from the text along with fluency during our shared reading sessions.
End of year expectations for Year 4
The National Curriculum outlines these expectations as being the minimum requirements your child must meet in order to ensure continued progress. All objectives will be worked on throughout the year and will be the focus of direct teaching. Any extra support you can provide in helping your children to achieve these is greatly valued.
· Read and spell phonically decodable two and three syllable words.
· Read automatically high frequency words.
· Relate reading to own experiences.
· Re-read if reading does not make sense.
· Re-tell with considerable accuracy.
· Discuss significance of title and events.
· Make predictions and inferences about what has been read.
· Read with pace and expression.
· Know differences between fiction and non-fiction.
· Write in clearly demarcated sentences.
· Use ‘and’ to join ideas.
· Use conjunctions to join sentences (e.g. so, but).
· Use capital letters, full stops, question marks, exclamation marks and capital letters for names and personal pronoun ‘I’.
· Clearly sequenced sentences.
· Correct formation of lower case and capital letters.
· Correct formation of digits.
· Count, read and write numbers to 100.
· Compare number using: equal to, more than, less than.
· Read and write numbers to 20 in words.
· Say 1 more/1 less than a number to 100.
· Count in 2s, 5s and 10s.
· Know number bonds to 10 and 20, e.g. 5 + 5 = and 15 + 5 =
· Add and subtract to 20.
· Solve simple multiplication and division with apparatus and arrays.
· Multiplications up to 12x12
· Division facts up to 12x table
· Recognise half/quarter of object, shape or quantity.
· Use language of day, week, month and year.
· Tell time to hour and half past.
Clubs 3.30pm-4.15pm
Please collect your child promptly at the end of each club time.
Monday Times Table Club, Gymnastics,
Wednesday Drumming Club
Friday Table Tennis Club