Uniform Information
School Uniform at Kingsley
Our uniform is designed to be smart, promote belonging to the school and be as equitable as possible. Boys or girls may wear which ever items they feel comfortable with, from the lists below. School jumpers and cardigans can be purchased from the school office. We sell uniforms at cost for ease of purchase for parents and school does not make any money on these items. Our uniform has been selected to allow all parents to purchase locally in supermarkets to keep costs to a minimum.
We offer support for purchasing uniform for families who may need this. We also operate a 'pre-loved' uniform service, which both supports our Eco aspirations and helps families who need it.
Please support us by making sure your child has correct uniform for school every day- and always speak to us if you need help with this.
Please ensure every item of your child's uniform has their name inside!
Nursery (Red Room)
Children in Nursery must wear:
- Purple cardigan/jumper with logo on
- Grey/black joggers
- Grey/black leggings
- White polo shirt (optional)
Reception to Year 6
Children in Reception and year 1 to year 6 must wear:
- White polo shirt (R, Y1 and Y2)
- White school shirt with collar (Y3-6)
- Grey / black leggings, tights or socks
- Grey / black school trousers or skirt
- Purple cardigan / jumper with school logo on
- Black shoes - no trainers allowed
- A plain purple or black hijab
In addition to this children in KS2 (Years 3-6) must wear a school tie
In the summer children can wear:
- Grey / black school shorts
- Yellow or lilac summer dress
- White Socks
For PE children must wear:
- Black shorts, leggings or tracksuit bottoms
- Plain white t shirt
- Trainers or pumps
Most items can be bought from local supermarkets such as Asda / Tesco.
The following items can be purchased from school:
- Purple cardigans with logo size 24 to 32 £10.00. Size 34 - £10.50
- purple jumpers with logo size 24 - 32- £9.00. size 34 £10.50
- Purple hijab - £2.00
- School tie £3.75 (elastic tie £3.50)
Children are not allowed to wear any jewellery in school except for small studs in pierced ears.