M.F.L. (Spanish)
Modern Foreign Language
At Kingsley we have chosen to study Spanish as our Modern Foreign Language. Every Thursday, each class from Year 3 to 6 benefit from half an hour of specialised Spanish lessons. We are fortunate at Kingsley to have our Spanish lessons delivered by a native Spanish speaker, Leon. Leon brings our Spanish lessons to life with his enthusiasm and delivery through game, song, dance and sign.
Our lessons are always interactive and engaging and cover a wide range of topics such as animals, numbers, the school day, culture, food and drink and learning simple phrases.
An overview of the MFL curriculum can be found by clicking here.
Please read on to find the intent, implementation, and impact of our MFL Programme here at Kingsley.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the Spanish curriculum at Kingsley.
Mr Murphy
MFL Curriculum Leader
MFL Intent
At Kingsley our intent is to provide all pupils an environment in which they can reach their full potential; intellectually, socially, morally, emotionally and culturally. Wherever possible we try to foster positive attitudes to language learning and broaden the cultural awareness of all pupils. Languages are already a big part of who we are at Kingsley, indeed we already speak over 30 languages so we know just how important learning another language is. In school, we aim to deliver our curriculum through specialist, native speakers and use Spanish in the school day as much as possible. At Kingsley we value the role languages has on our academic success and intend to create language learners who can express their thoughts in another language and respond to its speakers both in speech and in writing. We are committed to making our curriculum exciting and engage our pupils in an interactive way.
MFL Implementation
The teaching of MFL at Kingsley aims to be enjoyable and accessible to all pupils and to this end, a variety of approaches and activities are used to challenge, motivate and sustain interest. Lessons are interactive insofar as possible and provide an appropriate balance of spoken and written language. Every Thursday, at Kingsley Community Primary School each year group from 3 – 6 will benefit from the guide and support of a specialist language assistant. In this way we will exclusively use Spanish during lessons and allow the children to gain, first hand, the skills and expertise of a native speaker.
Each year group will cover the following topics during the school year:
- Self, family and friends
- School life
- The world around us
- Animals and home environment
- Leisure
To further the language skills of our pupils we use proven techniques such as language games and learning songs, rhymes and stories. Often we work in pairs and groups to help each other in our language learning. We not only practise speaking and listening activities but focus also on grammar and phonology. We also provide opportunities for pupils to practise what they have learned through written activities which are linked to the topics taught (see curriculum overview).
During the summer term, we aim to hold a ‘Spanish Day’ in which we immerse ourselves into the Spanish speaking world. This can change but some aspects which we focus on include Spanish cuisine, dance, and geography amongst others. In addition, we try to incorporate our Spanish as much as we can into the school day, from taking the register in Spanish to saying goodbye. Our school lunch menu is both in English and in Spanish and we try to use basic Spanish phrases as much as possible in the school day. Around the school, signs are in dual language and where possible Spanish is used in displays.
MFL Impact
At Kingsley we try to strike a balance between spoken and written language and use formative assessment to ensure skills and knowledge are progressing appropriately. In line with school policy, we complete assessment termly, in which teachers assess children against objectives. Indeed, our language support assistants are skilled at asking questions to ensure our provision is tailored to our pupils’ needs. Teachers constantly monitor and assess the children in their class, their involvement and participation in lessons and the way in which they respond. We liaise closely with our Foreign Language Assistant to help with our decisions and how the pupils are progressing. Subject and school leaders also monitor the impact of our MFL curriculum through lesson observations across the year groups and listen to pupil voice from each year group. By developing their linguistic competence, we aim to lay the foundation for further language teaching at Key Stage 3.
Home Learning
Do you want to learn more Spanish but unsure where to look? Look no further and explore some of the websites listed below.
Practise counting 1 - 20
Learn some new Spanish words
Sing and dance in Spanish.
Find out about a country where Spanish is spoken and make a poster to tell your friends about it.
Make a decorated bookmark with Spanish greetings on it.
Learn New Vocabulary
Complete the short High Five Spanish videos to learn vocabulary from some new topics.
Visual Dictionary
Create a visual dictionary by taking photos of different rooms in the house or items of furniture and finding the Spanish word using:
https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english-spanish or
Learn about Spanish rhymes by clicking on the following link:
Progression of Skills Spanish
Guidelines: Stage 1 roughly equates to Year 3, Stage 2 – Year 4, Stage 3 – Year 5, Stage 4 – Year 6. Although it is acknowledged that there may be pupils who crossover.
KS2 National Curriculum Objectives: In this unit, children will be taught to: | |
Speaking and Listening | |
Stage 1 Repeat words/simple phrases modelled by teacher; listen and show understanding of single words/ simple phrases through physical response. Stage 2 Listen and show understanding of longer sentences through physical response. Stage 3 Listen and show understanding of more complex familiar sentences. Stage 4 Listen and show understanding of more complex familiar sentences containing familiar words and gist with unfamiliar words. | 2. Explore the patterns and sounds of language through songs and rhymes and link the spelling, sound and meaning of words Stage 1 Listen and identify rhyming words and particular sounds in songs and rhymes. Stage 2 Listen and identify words in songs and rhymes and demonstrate understanding Stage 3 Follow the text of familiar rhymes and songs identifying the meaning of words Stage 4 Read the text of familiar rhymes and songs and identify patterns of language and link sound to spelling
3. Engage in conversations; ask and answer questions express opinions and respond to those of others; seek clarification and help Stage 1 Answer and begin to ask some familiar questions using simple, rehearsed language and including opinions Stage 2 Ask and answer several simple and familiar questions with a rehearsed response including opinions and simple justifications Stage 3 Ask and answer more complex familiar questions with a scaffold of responses Stage 4 Engage in a short conversation using familiar questions and express opinions. Ask for clarification and help | 4. Speak in sentences, using familiar vocabulary, phrases and basic language structures Stage 1 Name objects and actions and link words with a simple connective Stage 2 Use familiar vocabulary to say simple sentences using a language scaffold Stage 3 Use familiar vocabulary to say more complex sentences using a language scaffold Stage 4 Manipulate language to create and say sentence of own choice using familiar language
5. Present ideas and information orally to a range of audiences Stage 1 Name nouns and present a rehearsed simple statement Stage 2 Make simple rehearsed statements about themselves, objects and people Stage 3 Use a language scaffold to present information and descriptions in simple sentences using familiar and rehearsed language Stage 4 Manipulate language using a language scaffold to present their own ideas and information in more complex sentences | 6. Appreciate stories, songs, poems and rhymes in the language Stage 1 Join in with actions and words to accompany familiar songs, stories and rhymes Stage 2 Say a simple rhyme from memory; join in with words of a song or storytelling Stage 3 Follow the simple text of a familiar song or story and sing or read aloud Stage 4 Follow a more complex text of a familiar song or story and read aloud; read and understand the gist of an unfamiliar text using familiar language |
Reading and Writing | |
Stage 1 Read and recognise familiar words using knowledge of phonemes and pronounce when modelled Stage 2 Read and pronounce familiar words accurately using knowledge of phonemes Stage 3 Start to predict the pronunciation of unfamiliar words in a sentence using knowledge of phonemes Stage 4 Predict the pronunciation of unfamiliar words, with increasing accuracy, in a series of sentences | 2.Read carefully and show understanding of words, phrases and simple writing Stage 1 Read and show understanding of familiar single words and simple phrases Stage 2 Read and show understanding of familiar longer sentences Stage 3 Read and show understanding of a complex sentence using familiar language Stage 4 Read and show understanding of a series of complex sentences using familiar language |
3. Broaden their vocabulary and develop their ability to understand new words that are introduced into familiar written material, including sing a dictionary Stage 1 Use strategies for memorisation of vocabulary; be familiar with the layout of a bi-lingual dictionary Stage 2 Use context to predict the meaning of new words; use a bi-lingual dictionary to find the meaning of individual words in Spanish and English Stage 3 Use context and prior knowledge to determine the meaning of words; use a bi-lingual dictionary to identify the word class Stage 4 Use a bi-lingual dictionary to find the meaning of words in a written material and understand their meaning in its context | 4. Describe people, places, things, and actions orally and in writing Stage 1 Write and say familiar words and simple phrases to describe people, places, things and actions using a model Stage 2 Write and say a sentence to describe people, places, things and actions using a language scaffold Stage 3 Write and say longer sentences to describe people, places, things and actions using a language scaffold Stage 4 Write and say a complex sentence manipulation familiar language to describe people, places, things and actions; maybe using a dictionary |
5. Write phrases from memory, and adapt these to create new sentences, to express ideas clearly Stage 1 Write single familiar words from memory with understandable accuracy Stage 2 Write simple familiar short phrases/sentences from memory with understandable accuracy Stage 3 Write familiar longer sentences from memory with understandable accuracy Stage 4 Write familiar log/complex sentences from memory changing words to create new sentences with understandable accuracy | 6. Understand basic grammar, key features and patterns of the language and how to apply these to build sentences and how they differ from or are similar to English Stage 1 Be aware of the form of word classes – nouns, adjectives [including agreement with masculine and feminine singular], adverbs, verbs [including the imperative] and connectives, definite and indefinite articles [singular and plural] and be aware of the similarities in English Stage 2 Name the gender of nouns; name the words for the indefinite article for both genders and use correctly; say how to make the plural form of nouns; name the 1st and 2nd person pronouns; use the correct form of regular and high frequency verbs in the present tense with 1st and 2nd person pronouns; state the position of most adjectives and demonstrate use; construct a simple sentence with a noun, verb and adjective; use sentences in the negative form. State the differences and similarities with English. Use connectives and prepositions. Stage 3 Explain the agreement of adjectives and nouns and demonstrate use; be aware of the position of some adjectives in front of a noun; use the correct form of 3rd person singular (plural) of regular and high frequency verbs; name the words for the definite article and use correctly; explain the agreement of possessive pronouns with the linked noun and demonstrate use; apply correct rules for use when combining prepositions + articles (eg: De + el = del); construct more complex sentences; make a positive sentence negative; explain. State the differences and similarities in English. Stage 4 Demonstrate the knowledge and use of grammar in sentences: word classes; gender and nouns, definite article and indefinite article (and its omittance for jobs), plurals of nouns, 1st, 2nd and 3rd person pronouns with regular high frequency verbs in present tense; use reflexive verbs and the imperfect form; the position and agreement of adjectives; negatives; the construction of simple and complex sentences. State the differences and similarities with English. |