Kingsley Aspire
Kingsley Aspire Project.
Adopted September 2022
Kingsley Primary School aims to support the achievement of pupils, both past and present and of our staff. We are also invested in supporting opportunities for those who represent the families and community which Kingsley serves. We take the view that our pupils need to see and hear about people like them who have succeeded in their chosen career path and who will help our pupils to see that, ‘that could be me’.
Our Aspire Programme aims to bring various elements together to further inspire our pupils and to support their aspirations for future careers.
As a school we will aim to:
Promote the success of members of the L8 Community
Promote the success of members of minority groups who reflect the makeup of our pupils and their families
Celebrate the success of former pupils
Embed this promotion of diversity in all areas of the curriculum
Hold additional events to highlight and celebrate these people and their achievements
Support individuals from L8 or from representative minority groups through Teacher Training, by partnership working with local schools and Universities.
Operate a recruitment and selection process which supports the recruitment and retention of diverse role models for our pupils.
What this looks like in school:
Diversity championed and promoted through all curriculum subjects
Diversity promoted through representation in the school environment
Events such as Careers day, Black History week, Black Achievers day
Mentoring and CPD support , as well as on the job placements for teacher trainees from L8 or from BAME background in partnership with Local universities and 6th forms.
If you feel you could make a difference to our pupils , to help them aspire and achieve, please contact the school via the main office
Please also see our guidance on vacancies and volunteers.