Class 1S
Welcome to 1S! Our class teacher is
Misss Saif and our learning support assistant is Miss Shannon. Miss Gold also covers our RE and PSHE lessons on a Tuesday.
Things to know
Monday - PE. Children need to bring their PE kit in with them. They will change into their kit before their lesson. At the end of the day the children will come home in their PE kit and their school uniform will be in their PE bag.
Tuesday - PSHE & RE with Ms Gold
Forest school with Miss Smith
Please ensure that your child brings a coat in on this day and that they have their wellington boots in school. Ideally the wellington boots should stay in school.
Reading in 1S
Reading is really important to us in 1S. Each day we vote for the book we would like to be read at story-time.
Please read at home with your child as much as possible, this can be by reading a story out loud or your child can read out loud to you from their home reading book. Sharing stories can include comic books, magazines, picture books or even a chapter book. We actively encourage reading for pleasure! We do ask that you aim to listen to your at least three times a week but of course the more you can read with your child the better.
Book bags should be in by Wednesday to be changed for the week.
Online Learning & Homework
Each child has individual logins for the following websites.
Bug Club – children can listen and read stories at their individual level on an iPad/tablet or computer. Books are updated regularly. Children can also practice answering questions about what they have read.
Numbots will help your child practice their Maths skills in a fun way. Certificates are given each week for most coins earned, most improved and most hours played!