Class 3G
We are 3G!
Learning Together, Respecting Each Other
Welcome to 3G’s class page.
Information for Parents
My name is Ms Garrity and I am the teacher of 3G. Our learning support assistants is Miss Williams. Your child's learning and wellbeing is very important to us and we are always here for you at the end of the day and welcome you to our class. Please do feel free to speak to us about anything at all and we will do our best to support you.
It has been a delight and privilege to start the new school year (2024) getting to know your wonderful children. They are all very special and I am sure you are so proud of them. I am really looking forward to helping them grow, learn and thrive.
In our class, we have an ethos of kindness, good manners, caring for each other and belonging. We always aim to do our best and all children are encouraged to be good role models and good friends.
We love reading at Kingsley and encourage all children to read for pleasure every night. Reading is also a gateway into all aspects of the curriculum. It supports the development of English fluency and writing skills. Please try and read with your child and talk about the books they enjoy. We provide a home reading log book for you to write any comments so we can work together to support your child. In year 3 it is so beneficial to read or be read to every day. We do ask that book bags are returned to school daily so we can also listen to children reading.
Reading Plus is a fantastic way to improve reading ages and comprehension skills. Children really do well when they use this for homework. Kingsley buys this platform to give you free home access. Children will be given login details and in year 3 we ask children to complete at least 1 Reading Plus lesson per week, though many children do much more than this!
Times Tables
Accurate and quick recall of times tables are so important to be confident in many aspects of mathematics. By the end of year 4, the National Curriculum expectations are that children know ALL times tables up to 12 x 12. Therefore, all children have access to Times Tables Rockstars to enable them to develop speed and accuracy. Again, please help your child with this and allow them to practice as often as possible.
By the end of each week, 3G are asked to:
- Read at least one reading plus book at home.
- Participate in daily home reading from their book bag. (Preferably with parent/guardian.)
- Participate in at least five TTrockstar sessions.
After school clubs
At Kingsley we are proud to offer a range of after school clubs. They are very popular and we have a lot of interest so children take turns to attend a variety of clubs across the year. Please bear this in mind, and if your child does not have a club yet they will get their turn eventually!
After school clubs change every half term.
In 3G, we love learning and adopt a growth mindset; always trying the best that we can and being RESILIANT.
We have PE on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Full PE Kit must be worn on these days- white top, black shorts or tracksuit bottoms and pumps / trainers. We expect ALL children to take part fully in every PE lesson. If you want to leave their kit in school, children can keep it safely on a peg and bring it home for washing each half term.
Spelling Booklets
Websites and Applications
TTRS- earn coins by practising your times tables. You can battle your classmates or even your teacher!
Reading+/Bug Club- these apps both support children's reading and comprehension. There is no need to use both- if you are unsure which your child should be on, ask Ms Garrity.
Hit the Button- build mathematical fluency with quick-fire questions on number bonds, halves, doubles etc.
Vocabulary Ninja- Visit for fun games to boost vocabulary
Teach your Monster to Read- For early reading/phonics skills only.
Every child should have a log-in card with their passwords for TTRS/Reading+/Bug Club. Let Ms Garrity know if you need another