Classes for Next September
Kingsley Community School,
Eversley Street,
L8 2TG.
Telephone: 0151 709 6727
Fax: 0151 708 5105
Head Teacher: Mrs A Whittaker
5th July 2023
Dear Parents and Carers,
I am pleased to be able to give you some information about classes next year.
Some of you will know just how busy school has been, its definitely the most hectic time of the year, made even more so by our earlier finish in July. It was great to see everyone at our Eid party on Friday, a bit later than usual, but at least we managed to dodge the rain! We have also had lots of trips and visits this term , alongside sports week, art week, careers day and other curriculum enhancements .
Attached are the classes and staff who will be working with your children next year, as well as additional news about other staffing changes.
Current Split Classes Y3 and Y4
These classes have had the benefit of being taught by three, rather than two Teachers this year in order to boost their progress. They will now revert back to two classes for y4 and y5. Instead, our current y1 and y2 will be split into three teaching groups for the academic year 2023-4. This aims to further improve the impact we have on our pupils’ well being and academic achievement, by reducing some class sizes in targeted year groups. This is not easily done, it has taken a significant investment in both new buildings aswell as recruiting more teachers. This is not a permanent change and it does not mean Kingsley is going to a three form entry school. We envisage that we can definitely afford to do this for one more year, but we may not be able to do this from 2024 onwards- it all depends on our funding.
Staff leavers:
As always, this time of year is exciting as we get ready to make changes for September, but it is also bittersweet as we say farewell to staff who are moving on:
Miss Fealey, currently working in y2, has been a Learning Support Assistant at Kingsley for many years, and has known most of our pupils since they were little. She is leaving us to go and work in a school closer to home and to further pursue her academic dreams!
Also working in y2 is Miss Glenwright, although she has only been with us a year, she is leaving to go on an amazing travelling adventure, and we are all a little jealous!
Miss Bouzid has also worked at Kingsley for many years as a learning mentor , she has worked alongside so many of our pupils past and present and made a big difference in their lives, offering support when they’ve needed it and encouraging their well being and resilience. She is leaving to work in a different job, but also hoping to pursue further academic dreams!
Finally Ms Goodridge, is retiring from Kingsley. She won’t tell me the full details, but I know that she has been an enormous part of the old Granby school, as well as Kingsley- for over 30 years! That is a huge commitment. Many of our parents will remember her support in school and in the community. Our current children will miss her help and organisation in the school lunch hall in particular.
As always my thanks go to all of these staff for their loyalty, hard work and good humour. Schools are a funny place to work, they rely so much on goodwill, and on individuals like these investing in each other and the children. I am always sad to see people leave, but its also a sign of a healthy school when people move on to pursue promotion or further academic gain. I know you will join me in thanking them all and wishing them lots of luck.
New Staff:
We will be welcoming several new staff to our team.
Mr O’Shea will be joining us as our new mentor and PE coach.
Miss Lau will be joining as a new Learning Support Assistant in Year 4
Miss Baazab will be working with Year 2 as a new Learning Support Assistant
Miss Djaadoo will be working with us as a new cleaner
Continuing Support For Families
We are really passionate about offering our pupils the same experiences as other children get, no matter their or their families circumstances. In particular we look at how we can support School Dinners and Trips . Kingsley Governors took the decision some years ago to support EVERYONE as much as we could by NOT charging anyone for school meals. We are the only school in Liverpool that I know of who does this. As long as we can, we will continue to do this. Whether your family qualify for free school meals or not, we will offer every child a hot and nutritious meal at lunchtime, and use the schools’ own funding for this. A dinner would normally cost in the region of £2.80, per day, per child, so as you can see its quite an investment for us to make, and quite a saving for families. We also rarely charge for any trips or visits, and again, very few schools are able to commit to this. Each visit on a coach costs us a minimum of £10 per child, some of our trips cost double this, but we have taken the decision to have as many trips as we can and to either have no charge, or a minimal £1 or £2 charge to parents. We want our pupils to have no barriers to taking part in everything. I’m not sure some of you have been aware of our policy in this matter as you are so used to the offer that Kingsley makes, but we are committed to keeping this as long as we can. We may ask for small contributions this year as our budget is quite squeezed.
Uniform Help
You may remember last year that we gave everyone some free uniform to help with the cost of living crisis. We receive NO funding for this and unfortunately we simply can’t afford to do it again. We have had to really prioritise staffing. However we will be continuing to try to support those families without recourse to public funds (ie those seeking asylum or refugees) as much as we can, or anyone in significant hardship. We are also looking to expand our pre loved uniform bank, where you can still access donated uniform.
Can I also ask you at this point to remember that ALL Kingsley Pupils are expected to wear our uniform. You and your child have CHOSEN our school, you are therefore CHOOSING to accept our rules and ethos. Uniform is part of this- its for everyone, not just for some. Trainers MUST NOT be worn unless there are exceptional circumstances which you have addressed with the Head Teacher. If your child chooses to wear a hijab, it must be a purple or black all- in- one, not a long scarf and certainly not a long bejewelled or patterned one! (White hijabs are allowed in the summer as part of a summer uniform).
There will be more news before the end of term, thanks to all of you who have been attending meetings and events in school over the last few weeks.
Kind regards
Mrs Whittaker.
Current class |
New Teacher |
New room |
Blue room Nursery (for those staying) |
Nursery Nurse staff |
Blue room Nursery (for those moving up) |
Ms Igglesden |
Red room Nursery |
Red room ( for those staying) |
Ms Igglesden |
Red room Nursery (for those moving up) |
Ms Saif Or Ms Adamson |
Reception (You will get a letter telling you which Teacher your child will have) |
Reception Ms Saif |
Ms Carpen – Jukes Or Ms Harris |
Year one classrooms. (You will get a letter telling you which Teacher your child will have) |
Reception Ms Adamson |
Ms Hunter 1 C |
Mr Gordon Ms Williams Ms Hillman (Miss Phillips) |
Current Y2 classroom |
Ms Carpen – Jukes 1CJ |
Current Y2 classroom Current y3C classroom (Your child will get a letter telling you which class they are in) |
Ms Williams 2S
Ms Barker Or Ms Garrity Or Ms Hunter |
Y3 current classroom
Current y4 MA
Y3 current classroom |
Mr Gordon |
Ms Rice 3C
Mr Murphy Ms Maguire |
Y4 classrooms will be along the right hand side of the corridor. (Your child will get a letter telling them which class they are going back into.) |
Ms Hunter 3H |
Ms Barker 3B |
Ms Connolly 4C |
Ms Swain |
In the new classrooms by Kingsley Road (Your child will get a letter telling them which class they are going back into.) |
Mr Murphy 4M |
Ms Rice |
Ms Macguire 4 MA |
A mix of the 2 above |
Ms Garrity 5GA |
Ms Connolly |
Current y6 classroom |
Ms Swain 5S |
Ms McArthur |
Current y6 classroom |
Classes from September 2022
A special mention to all of our y6 who are going off to their different secondary schools ( 11 different settings!) Good luck to you all! Enjoy your transition day on the 6th July.