Ofsted Outcome Letter
31st January 2023
Dear Parents and Carers,
I am happy to be able to include with this letter, a copy of our latest Inspection Outcome letter. As you know we had an ungraded inspection of the school on December 13th and 14th.
The full report will be posted on the school website and on Ofsted’s site in the next few days, but it has been released to us today to share with staff and parents.
We were very proud of the many positive comments that the Inspector made about the school, and the many strengths she felt that Kingsley had. Some , but not all of these appear in the letter, but as it was an ungraded inspection, it is much shorter than ones you may have seen previously.
I am delighted that the high academic and social expectations that we have for our pupils was recognised as a strength, but also our emphasis on respect and tolerance of others. These are keystones of Kingsley school, and its very pleasing that this shone through from pupils, staff and parents.
Our curriculum offer was praised by the inspector, led by some very dedicated members of staff, and in particular she felt that support for pupils with additional needs was a strength of the school. She also praised the approach to keeping all of our pupils safe, and again, this is something that all of the staff work really hard to achieve.
The measure of a school should never just be about Ofsted, but of course we are very happy when an organisation like Ofsted visits and validates our work. We never do our job just for Ofsted, we do it for our pupils so that we put them in the best place we can to be resilient, to succeed and to respect others in society.
To accompany this letter, I want to say a big thank you to you and your children for making this job such a pleasure at Kingsley, and an especial thankyou to our amazing staff, who never cease to impress me with their skill and hard work.
Kind regards,
Alison Whittaker, Head Teacher.
31st January 2023
Dear Parents and Carers,
I am happy to be able to include with this letter, a copy of our latest Inspection Outcome letter. As you know we had an ungraded inspection of the school on December 13th and 14th.
The full report will be posted on the school website and on Ofsted’s site in the next few days, but it has been released to us today to share with staff and parents.
We were very proud of the many positive comments that the Inspector made about the school, and the many strengths she felt that Kingsley had. Some , but not all of these appear in the letter, but as it was an ungraded inspection, it is much shorter than ones you may have seen previously.
I am delighted that the high academic and social expectations that we have for our pupils was recognised as a strength, but also our emphasis on respect and tolerance of others. These are keystones of Kingsley school, and its very pleasing that this shone through from pupils, staff and parents.
Our curriculum offer was praised by the inspector, led by some very dedicated members of staff, and in particular she felt that support for pupils with additional needs was a strength of the school. She also praised the approach to keeping all of our pupils safe, and again, this is something that all of the staff work really hard to achieve.
The measure of a school should never just be about Ofsted, but of course we are very happy when an organisation like Ofsted visits and validates our work. We never do our job just for Ofsted, we do it for our pupils so that we put them in the best place we can to be resilient, to succeed and to respect others in society.
To accompany this letter, I want to say a big thank you to you and your children for making this job such a pleasure at Kingsley, and an especial thankyou to our amazing staff, who never cease to impress me with their skill and hard work.
Kind regards,
Alison Whittaker, Head Teacher.