Syria / Turkey Earthquake Appeal letter
9th February 2023
Dear Parents,
I am sure that like us you will all be horrified by the disaster that has been unfolding in Turkey and Syria this week. The first thing I want to say is that I hope that anyone with families in the region has heard that they are safe. Some of our children have talked to us about extended families who may be affected. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to support you if you are directly affected by this.
We have been particularly thinking about those families affected in the area, who may have already gone through trauma, displacement and times of hardship, and are now faced with not only the immediate danger but with rebuilding their lives afterwards. I am pleased to hear that the DEF (Disaster Emergency Committee) are coordinating a response which will ensure that there is a coordinated response from all charities, and that the British Government will match donations given.
As a school we would like to offer our support, and we will be considering ways in which we can fundraise next half term. As a starter we will be holding an ‘Own clothes day’ on Friday 24th February and encouraging a donation for this. If anyone wants to make any other donations, we will hold a fund in school for the first week back and ensure that it is all paid into the DEF fund.
Kingsley families and staff have always been outward looking, and supportive of those in need, and I am sure that in this instance you will offer whatever support you can.
Kind regards