Thanks fro Chair of Governors
Dear Parents and Carers,
On behalf of all the Governors at Kingsley Primary, I would like to say a massive Thank You to all our parents and families for their overwhelming generosity in response to our appeal to help those affected by the recent earthquakes in Turkey and Syria.
Our school community has always been extremely giving when raising money for various charities and good causes but the total amount raised far exceeded all expectations. We raised over £1150! Given that we are currently living in a financial crisis ourselves, makes this response even more remarkable.
We truly hope the money raised will help those affected to start to rebuild and move forward after this unimaginable tragedy. We are hoping to continue to look for other ways we as a school and community can help support those affected and will of course keep you updated on any future efforts.
Thank you all once again.
Jennifer Murshid,
Chair of Governors.